48. How many radios, TVs, stereos, and VCRs do you own? One radio. 50. How many telephones do you own? None. 51. If you read, what do you read? Auseuga, Faaleo, Laufafa and Alatupe, read the Bible and newspapers on occasion. Uiti reads textbooks, magazines, and novels. 52. Are you politically active? No, but Auseuga is a matai (chief) and votes in the village. Laufafa and Faaleo vote in national elections. Uiti will vote for parliament in 2 years. 53. What are your perceptions of the rest of the world? People in other countries are different. In Samoa, it is a safe place especially regarding violence and health (AIDS). Family Dreams 54. Are you satisfied with your lifestyle? Yes. 55. Do you consider yourselves better off than your parents and grandparents? Our parents were better off. They lived with bigger families (7 couples) that could share more. In earlier times before electricity, it was more peaceful because it didn't cost money. 56. What would your family like to own that you think would make your lives better? We would like to own a big cattle farm so we would have cattle to sell. 57. Do you have any savings or security? No.